How beautiful are you?

Every woman, at a certain moment in her life, asks herself, “Am I beautiful or ugly?” She compares herself with her friends and mates, and also with celebrities on TV and social media. As a rule, the criteria are

  • The body's physique and slimness;
  • Features of the face
  • Hair density and color;
  • Well-groomed hands;
  • Tension in the skin

And, as human beings, we are often doubtful of ourselves and our attractiveness. It happens that the external criteria of appearance begin to seem more important than the internal ones.

Beauty, of course, is a subjective issue, and everybody treats it differently. Nevertheless, all people are attractive, both externally and internally. But not everyone is able to notice it in themselves and others. This test will help you answer the question, “What kind of beauty do I have? How attractive am I?” Find it out now! Choose one of the options and you will see. Let's go!