What should your vacation be like?

The human body cannot exist without rest. During the working day, physical fatigue accumulates in us, and it does not matter whether you work with your hands or are engaged in mental labor. Yes, you come home, lay down, rest, sleep at night. It seems like a new day, fresh strength, but still you feel tired. It happens to everyone.

There comes a moment when the inner voice says: "That's it, enough work, I want to rest!", and then there comes moral and mental fatigue. It accumulates day by day. For some it will be six months, a year, for some workaholics it can be years, and even decades. The surrounding world ceases to please, loses its colors, depression can occur, especially if your work does not give pleasure to you. What to do?

There are a number of signs that can show that you have reached the last one:

  • a feeling of disappointment (in work or life) has appeared;
  • you put things off more often on Monday, and by the end of the week you're exhausted;
  • you get tired very quickly, but you don't work hard enough;
  • you lose your enthusiasm, your creativity;
  • you're less social with your friends;
  • slowness, uncertainty in actions and decisions;
  • you may be drinking more alcohol.

Maybe you are just sick, of course. But if at least a couple of these points apply to you, it is worth thinking about. Maybe you have developed chronic fatigue and just need a vacation urgently.

We suggest taking a simple test to determine if you need a vacation, and, in general, whether you know how to rest. Yes, yes, you heard right. As surprising as it may be, many modern people don't know how to do it. Maybe it's time for you to go on vacation right now? Why don't we put that to the test?