What do you love men for?

"Why do you love men?" -
I asked the woman in the garden.
"For the wisdom of plowed wrinkles,
She answered with a sigh
For his violent anger and his good temper,
"For always being wrong.
For falling asleep with her,
"For keeping my children safe.
♪ For putting pepper in my chili ♪
That's why I love men. (translation of the song by Alexander Rosenbaum - a Russian singer and songwriter)

We all have different tastes and preferences. One girl will be delighted with a man's sense of humor, while the other, on the contrary, will not like it. Therefore, the reasons for loving a man can vary greatly.

Have you ever thought about what exactly attracts you in the opposite sex? It is, of course, difficult to answer this question. Therefore, we suggest you to make a detailed analysis. Our test "Why do you love men?" will reveal the main reason for this wonderful feeling!