What Are Your Professional Interests, Inclinations And Abilities?
The desire to learn more about and advance oneself in a particular field of endeavor is an expression of one's professional interests.
Interests can be:
- long-term and short term;
- superficial and versatile;
- different in content (technical, scientific, creative).
Based on interests and inclinations, it is worth choosing a future specialty with responsibility so as not to waste precious time. To do this, it is worth applying the method of ‘Map of Interests' by A. E. Golomstock.
If you have already passed the test to determine career guidance and have an idea of your interests, we suggest that you identify professional interests and a specific field of activity that you should pay attention to so that there will be no regrets in the future. The "Map of Interests" test will open something new for you. It's time to start the questionnaire! Let's go?
Author of the test:
Testometrika Team