
Take self-test to find out your level of anxiety

To begin with, before going through a free anxiety disorder test, try to mentally answer two simple questions: Have you ever felt anxious? Are you characterized by anxiety? Most people are going to respond positively to the first question. The second one will make you think. It may give rise to an internal new puzzle: “What is the difference between them?” An anxious feeling is an emotion peculiar to all people. It is quite natural and serves to adapt to a changing world. In addition, it is nonobjective as it arises for no particular reason. Fear is similar to it, though it is, on the contrary, objective because you have it for something. As for anxiety, it is a part of a person's personality that is formed under the constant influence of terror and uneasiness. It negatively affects your actions, goals, and communications. We suggest taking the depression and anxiety self-assessment quiz to obtain an unambiguous answer to the second question. Do you have anxiety symptoms? Find out right now!