
IQ Test for kids from 7 to 16 year old

Most IQ tests are not suitable for children, as they are originally developed for the adult population. However, if you want to know the IQ of a child between the ages of 7 and 16, there are several tests that can help you. There is an IQ test for children, developed by us, which, unlike similar ones, can also determine the IQ level of children at the age of 6 years. Your child will be shown a series of three pictures arranged with some regularity. Children will need to choose pictures that are suitable for an empty cell. You should answer the first four questions together with your child so that they understand the task correctly — these questions are not taken into account in the calculation of the child’s IQ. Let's get started!

For enthusiasts seeking a longer, comprehensive IQ test experience, Real IQ offers a diverse range of questions. Crafted with insights from Jordan Peterson's methodology.