Are you able to love?

Are you able to love?

If somebody asks you, “Are you able to love?” , of course, you will answer, “Yes!”. But this feeling isn't as simple as it seems to be at first sight. It is more important than sexuality, attractiveness, or intimate techniques of love between you and your partner.

The ability to love begins to form in childhood. If parents love their child, do everything to show it, so a child learns to love and reciprocate with everyone who has sincere feelings for him. And, on the other hand, if parents ignore their child and don't respond to his feelings, the ability to love can't be formed. A person who grew up in such circumstances, on the other hand, tries to fill this void by seeking love in everyone he meets in his lifetime.

So we recommend you pass this test measuring the capacity to love if you want to find out if you are able to love or not. It will help you to learn more about the hidden sides of your soul, aims and intentions. Are you ready to know the truth with this test and love measurement scale?