Strong-willed qualities

Strong-willed qualities

A strong-willed person is a rather ambiguous concept. There are a lot of interpretations, psychologists themselves sometimes argue about it without reaching a consensus, and there is also an "everyday" idea of will by people who are not into psychology. Let us take something in the middle.

A strong-willed person is an individual who is able to achieve their goals regardless of obstacles and emerging difficulties. Someone has already imagined such a person from the circle of their acquaintances. Such people have strong-willed qualities:

  • willpower (the extent to which a person is able to arbitrarily exert willpower)
  • persistence of will (constant, repeated, rather long-lasting manifestation of willful efforts)
  • purposefulness (clear and precise idea of the goal and focus on it)

So, the signs of strong-willed character: persistence, perseverance, independence, determination and others. Our test for strong-willed qualities given here will help to determine how pronounced such qualities as persistence and perseverance in you. Do you want other people to think about you when they imagine a strong-willed person?