
How many life traps do you have? Take the test!

Do you know the feeling that you constantly make the same mistake over and over again and just can't get rid of it? Then you are welcome! Conscious traps are those life circumstances in which a person is not able to adequately assess a particular situation. He acts mistakenly, and it affects him injuriously. It occurs mainly because of the peculiarities of character and behavior. Such psychologists as Jeffrey E. Young and Janet S. Klosko investigated the traps of consciousness and determined their correlation with traditional personality styles. This test will detect not only the disorder or its tendency, but also be of service in understanding yourself and will offer options for solving problems. There are a lot of traps that our conscience has already fallen into more than once. Do you want to know which of them prevails in you? Here you are. The quiz consists of 88 questions. You should define how a particular statement describes you. Answer them sincerely in order to get the most accurate result. Please note that the questionnaire is advisory in nature. To confirm the diagnosis and your suspicions, you should consult a doctor. So let's go!