Do you have a dislike for other girls? Test for girls

Do you have a dislike for other girls? Test for girls

Misogyny is a negative attitude, hatred towards women. Internal misogyny manifests itself in women who can not stand the representatives of the female sex. Why do girls dislike each other?

The are actually many reasons:

  • Female envy;
  • A search for justice;
  • Jealousy.

Yes, it is because of those factors that inner misogyny appears. And the most interesting thing is that many parents themselves nurture the grain of misogyny to children since childhood. Remember the parents on the playground, who watch the children. If you observe the process, you can often hear the following: "Mary, give the car to Peter, play with dolls, you're a girl", "Ann, how are you wearing the skirt, your butt is out.", "Girls do not do that, girls do not say that". In this way, parents make the child realize that they should give up their desires, be ashamed of their body and not express their emotions. Did you experience the same in your childhood? Now let's check how strongly you have this attitude fixed inside you. Take our test and find out if you have female misogyny!