
Best career guidance - SEO work: creativity, earnings, hobbies

About discipline: The site should be dynamically promoted, otherwise — "burnout," loss of popularity, oblivion. Training is website promotion training sites, there are various courses. But first you need to find the reasons, possible mistakes in choosing a promotion strategy. The most popular and effective method is SEO-optimization, promotion of the site for visitors and bots. Therefore, SEO specialists (Search Engine Optimization) or "site optimizers" are always at a "price": after completing website optimization courses, you get creative work — both popular and adequately paid. Can successfully become a hobby or a source of additional and decent earnings.

In SEO, it’s important to evaluate target capabilities, audience, identify the semantic core (a set of frequently encountered search engine queries or keywords), as well as their frequency. Optimizer and copywriter (often these SEO specialists are in a single person).

The key property of the discipline: it’s a complex of competencies that form the concepts of search optimization of sites, SEO.

The goals of the test: to intrigue the user that he will be able to work even from home, it’s enough to study the basic foundations in courses or on his own, for which you need to check whether there is enough knowledge and perseverance.

Key verifiable concepts: types, goals and possibilities of movement, optimizer and SEO-promotion of sites.

Required level: school course in informatics and ICT.